Home of the Wildcats
De Soto Student Council is made up of 28 students dedicated to making DHS a fun, positive and inclusive environment for all students. Student council members are elected through an election process that includes teacher recommendations and a student-body election. Below is a list of some of the activities that Student Council participates in.
Student Council Activities
- Planning and Presenting Presentations to Administration and Staff as needed to address the concerns of the student body
- Assist with Homecoming and all activities associated with Homecoming (parade, spirit rally, voting, coronation, selling tickets during lunch, spirit week, dance, etc.)
- Assist with Winter Homecoming and all activities associated Winter Homecoming (dance, voting, selling tickets during lunch, spirit week, coronation, etc.)
- Participate in various volunteer activities
- Plan and organize a number of fun events and encourage student participation in these events (dodgeball tournaments, fifth quarters, etc.)
- Promote school spirit (make posters, participate in all spirit days)
- Assist with other Activities as the need should arise from the administration, staff, or student body